Friday, April 16, 2010

arwah Pok De Manap

The photo is a part of some photos sent with the complement of Fauziah Manaf. Thank you Fauziah, we are grateful. Fauziah can be located at

Fondly remembered as (the late) Pok De Manap, and in my time he contributed tremendously to Kampong Lipat Kajang. I do not want to write as if other people in Kampong Lipat Kajang did not contribute to the welfare and the ‘advancement’ of the kampong, its just in my time I feel that (the late) Pok De Manap contributed that a bit extra.

I remember him as a soldier, not sure now what unit he was from but he used to carry a carbine around. Then when he left his unit, he was the drill master for the kampong AP (Auxiliary Police) and HG (Home Guard), not really a Regimental Sergeant Major but was close enough to it. Then he must have moved out somewhere, I lost track of him but I heard that he went to Kuantan to join the Tentera Wataniah – Territorial Army (I cannot confirm this, perhaps others can confirm the vague information that I have). I remember him most when he appeared in the kampong again as the Head of JKKK at Lipat Kajang Darat, where he was very active in getting the Kampong developed. He had many ideas and some were carried out successfully like the RISDA oil palm planting scheme which he led when he was alive, the planting of some ‘forest’ trees in a small plot of land wear ‘ampang simen’, and responsible in getting the people ion the kampong and those living outside to say prayers (tahlil) at the kampong cemetery (kubur) at every Hari Raya Puasa. I must say that the tradition has been there even long ago (long before his direct involvement) but when he was active in the kampong development committee he made the occasion more as a meeting of the ‘old’ and the ‘young’ and those left in the kampong with those ‘who had left the kampong and ‘living ‘ outside’. And that is important if the kampong is not to loose the relationship with those who might have parents (left) in the kampong (or even grandparents then) and who have now chosen top live outside the kampong in pursuit of their career.

There are other aspects of the kampong development which he led, and on this I have a vague idea, but I seem to get the impression that the kampong people are now reaping the profit from implementing his original idea, especially those related to ‘tanah pinggir’. Not sure how much part he played in the scheme but I will not take lightly the impact of the scheme without his original involvement. Others may tell me more though.

It was a loss to the kampong (I feel) when he passed away.

Anak2 Kg Lipat Kajang yang ingin memberi maklumat yang lebih terperinci dan tepat sila buat komen.

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